Grab Avatar Legends & More with Humble Bundle — GeekTyrant

Humble and Magpie Games are looking to help people get into various tabletop RPGs for a fantastic price. The Best of Magpie Games (affiliate link) bundle offers up to 30 items including a physical copy of the Avatar Legends – Starter Set (shipping not included in bundle price) for as little as $25. The bundle is valued at $395 and features the core rulebook, starter set (physical and digital), Wan Shi Tong’s Adventure Guide, and An Urgent Request adventure for Avatar Legends as well as materials for Root: The Roleplaying Game, Bluebeard’s Bride, Masks, Fate Codex, and so much more. I personally like the variety presented as it gives you tons of options to try for less than what many RPG core books cost. It’s also important to note that each purchase will support Child’s Play Charity which “works to channel the goodwill of the worldwide gaming community into video games and game systems for sick children in hospitals.”

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