The filmmaking team behind Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey is deep in post-production on another one of their fairytale horror films, Peter Pan’s Neverland Nightmare, and the first poster has been released. The tagline reads: “He’s Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare”
The movie follows “Wendy Darling as she strikes out in an attempt to rescue her brother Michael from ‘the clutches of the evil Peter Pan.’ Along the way she meets Tinkerbell, who in this twisted version of the story will be seen taking heroin, convinced that it’s pixie dust.”
The movie is being directed by Scott Jeffrey, who said: “This is tonally an extremely darker film to Winnie-The-Pooh: Blood and Honey. When dealing with children being abducted, it felt right. All of the films from our Poohniverse will feel different from the last.
“So, if one isn’t for you, then maybe the next will be. Peter Pan is the most vicious of them all. He is twisted, cruel and cunning.”
He previously said: “I am taking inspiration from French cinema while in prep for this movie. The film will be incredibly tense. I would say it’s a mesh between Switchblade Romance and The Black Phone with our own spin on it. It is a nasty, violent and incredibly dark movie.”
The movie stars Megan Placito as Wendy Darling, Kit Green as Tinkerbell, Peter DeSouza-Feighoney (The Pope’s Exorcist) as Michael Darling, and Charity Kase as James. Martin Portlock will be playing this dark and disturbed version of Peter Pan.
The movie is expected to be released Halloween 2024.
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