Latest Episode of THE ACOLYTE Strikes STAR WARS Canon Controversy with Prequel Character Ki-Adi-Mundi — GeekTyrant

The Acolyte continues to frustrate Star Wars fans with the latest episode of the series, which is titled “Day.”

The fourth episode includes High Council Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi, a character who originally appeared in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith.

His inclusion was confusing to fans as the series takes place around a century before the events of the prequel movies kick-off.

Technically, the character wasn’t even born yet when The Acolyte takes place because he was in his 60s in the prequel films.

Also, I just want to point out that even if Ki-Adi-Mund magically was there and familiar with the story of Mae and Osha, years later when he learns Anakin Skywalker being conceived by The Force, it wouldn’t have been much of a surprise for him, and he would have surely brought up his knowledge of the Twins.

That being said, this makes him a liar for not only hiding info about the Sith, but witches using the Dark Side to create life.

When it comes to Star Wars canon, “George Lucas set the six Star Wars films and the many hours of content he developed and produced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars as canon. These stories are defined to be the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align.”

The Acolyte is definitely stirring things up in Star Wars fandom!

In the end, fans aren’t going to like every Star Wars project that is produced. Not every story will resonate with every fan. While a lot of fans don’t like The Acolyte, there are also a lot of fans that do.

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