A new report has surfaced regarding a possible surprise cameo in Marvel’s Captain America: Brave New World. If you keep reading, and this report ends up being legit, then the surprise won’t be a surprise anymore.

According to a recent Instagram post from paparazzi Atlanta Filming, Marvel Studios has enlisted an MCU veteran for Brave New World, and it will be interesting to see what kind of role he plays in the story.

According to the report, Benedict Wong will return as the MCU’s Sorcerer Supreme, Wong, in the movie.

This is definitely an unexpected character to show up in a film that is being pushed as more of a political thriller. This would be like Doctor Strange showing up in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, it doesn’t seem to work.

But, apparently, Marvel has a plan for the character in the film and it will be interesting to see what that plan is. The one link that I see to the film is that Wong was shown fighting Abomination in Shang-Chi, and Abomination was created by Samuel Sterns, aka The Leader, in The Incredible Hulk.

The Leader will have a big role in the story of Brave New World, so maybe there is a connection here. Tim Blake Nelson previously talked about his character, saying: “You’re gonna see me in a big way. What they’ve come up with is great.”

He also explained that the movie will explain The Leader’s 16-year absence in the MCU. Maybe Wong is involved with his past in some way? We’ll eventually find out!

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