The Rookie Season 7 Episode 10 Recap: Chaos Agent

This is a scene-by-scene recap of The Rookie Season 7 Episode 10 titled “Chaos Agent.”

Bailey and Nolan meet Celina at a restaurant so she can introduce them to the new guy she’s dating. He’s a musician, and Nolan recognizes him as the lead singer of “Daddy Cop.”

One of the nurses helps James and Nyla come home. James is still having trouble walking and has a long healing process ahead of him. The kids are staying with Nyla’s parents.

(Disney/Mike Taing)

He wants to take a moment to talk to Nyla directly, but she says she has too much to do. She sits with him, and they share a moment of peace with him resting on her shoulder.

Nolan is annoyed that Celina is dating the musician and shares it with Bradford and Chen the next day. Chen thinks it’s funny.

Smitty tells them that they have an emergency and tells them that a raccoon is in the station. Miles also shows up, and he says he has some experience trapping animals.

Bradford puts Miles on raccoon duty, with Chen telling him to be nice and capture it humanely and Bradford telling him to do whatever it takes to get rid of it.

Celina’s boyfriend stops by the station to report a crime, saying that someone broke into his studio and stole his instrument, and spraypainted “Die” on his wall six times.

Nolan bumps into them and still isn’t amused by Celina’s boyfriend.

(Disney/Mike Taing)

Grey tells Lucy and Nolan that three girls were stabbed in the park. They head to the hospital where Bailey is the one who brings all the girls in.

One of the girls, Grace, is critical, and the others aren’t. Two of the girls said it was a man wearing a mask.

Celina wonders if her boyfriend has any enemies. She admits that Nolan doesn’t like him, so she wants to know if anyone similar would feel that way. He shows her a video of him singing a song about firefighters, Girl Scouts, and the postman. Essentially, the list may be long.

The head of a correctional facility tells Grey that there has been a riot, and the station needs to house some inmates until it can be under control. Grey tells Bradford, and they learn that there are 13 coming in, both men and women.

While they were checking to see who was on duty and who could come in, a system error appeared on all the computers, suggesting a hack. They heard that a software update had taken down police computers all across the site.

(Disney/Mike Taing)

The inmates are bused in, and Bradford and Grey brace for the chaos. The bus didn’t have AC, so the inmates were agitated. There was no list of who was who because they used QR codes, which they could not scan because the computers were down.

The correctional officer has a heart attack right in front of their eyes, while the inmates start getting rowdy and rocking the bus.

Celina leaves her boyfriend there and reports to Grey to assist with the inmates, and he brings out his guitar, ready to play a new tune.

They figure out that some of them are gangs based on their tattoos, and they can’t pair them together nor them with the female inmates.

Some of them are already taking an interest in Celina.

(Disney/Mike Taing)

Nolan and Chen catch up with Luna about the one victim, Ava, who was stabbed. She and her friend Charlotte spent the night with their friend Grace. She isn’t sure who may have been watching them, and she explains a man with a knife came out from the trees and started yelling and stabbing Grace.

Seth shows up at the hospital, too, because they’re pulling everyone in. Chen asks what he’s doing there and wonders if he’s doing okay. She assigns him to babysit Ava. He’s eager to introduce himself to the girl and tell her that she’s there to protect her.

Grace and Ava’s parents are fighting with each other in the waiting room, blaming each other for her ending up in the hospital. Nolan and Chen diffuse it and separate them.

Angela shows up to give Chen an update about the attacker wearing gloves but finding the knife.

They have learned that Ava’s mom and Grace’s dad used to date each other, and there is some bad blood between them.

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(Disney/Raymond Liu (ABC))

They are at capacity with imprisoning people and have to figure some of them out to get rid of people. They must get photos and fingerprints to see if people recognize others.

Miles finally tracks down the raccoon in the locker room, but Smitty spooks it (and himself) when he tracks down Miles to help Celina.

One of the girls recounts what happened again, but Angela calls them out of the room to talk to Lucy and Nolan. She shares that one of the girl’s wounds aren’t defensive, they’re from her cutting herself while wielding the knife. She may have been the person who stabbed Grace.

James still wants to talk to Nyla but doesn’t want to because she wants a fair fight. He brings up the photo of a known fugitive.

Bradford sends her photos of the guys, and she identifies some of them and James reluctantly helps her with the identity of Lamar Hill, someone in for armed robbery.

(Disney/Mike Taing)

They have Ava in for interrogation, but it’s a fine line. They haven’t officially taken her into custody, and Wesley outlines the perimeters of what they can and cannot do talking to her, especially without a lawyer or her father present.

They record both girls as they interrogate them. Their story is completely identical. They both said that they tried to help, and that’s how they got stabbed.

They both recite the exact same thing verbatim. After telling everything, Ava asks for her father once she’s in there.

Their stories seem rehearsed, and Wesley, Grey, and Angela all agree on that.

Chen tells Seth that the girls may be responsible for it, and he’s surprised.

(Disney/Mike Taing)

He bumps into one of the oncologists that used to treat him. He says that he had to change the oncologist because of his insurance changing and was given a new name. He tells the oncologist that his cancer came back, and he didn’t call her because of the insurance issues and her difficult schedule.

Chen asks Luna about the other oncologist that Seth claims he was seeing. Luna shares that the doctor is seedy and has a terrible reputation, so it’s possible that if Seth went to anyone to lie, it was him. Luna also shares that their medical coverage can cover pretty much everyone, so that shouldn’t have been an issue.

Lucy runs it by Bradford, too. Bradford tells her that rookies don’t have a right to medical privacy and says she can run blood on Seth to confirm his story.

Celina’s boyfriend writes a song about the prisoners as they’re being moved around, and it drives one of them insane enough that they attack him. He has to go to the hospital.

The lights and power go out, and it’s because of the raccoon doing something to the wires.

(Disney/Carlos Lopez-Calleja)

Smitty takes one of the inmates to the bathroom, but the inmate attacks him, steals his gun, and takes off.

They identify the inmate as Kevin Payne, who has put other inmates and people in the hospital. He’s a violent offender.

Bradford and Miles search for Kevin. Kevin sees Bradford and is about to shoot him when the raccoon makes a noise, startling Kevin. He shoots at the raccoon, and Bradford shoots Kevin. Miles cuffs him.

they search through the girls’ laptops and learn that they consulted with a “demon” who told them to take out Grace.

It was some type of computer program. Zuzu. They speak to it, and the program is able to identify Nolan and recite information about who he is, where he’s from, and his past as a contractor. It even mentions that he’s married to Bailey, that her birthday is coming up, and that he should be getting her a present.

(Disney/Mike Taing)

They ask the program about the situation with the girls, and he says that Grace was a bully and needs to be dealt with.

Wesley and Angela go to see Charlotte and read her her rights. She finally says what really happened, and it’s chilling.

Chen calls Seth into the exam room with Grey and Bradford. Grey tells him that he’s lied about multiple things, and they need clarification of the cancer. They tell him to submit to a blood draw, and if he refuses, he will immediately be terminated, same if he doesn’t have cancer.

Seth fights it and claims he has rights and can’t lose being a cop. He refuses the blood draw and threatens to sue. Grey relieves him of his duties. He hands over everything.

(Disney/Mike Taing)

The nurse comes back to be with James, and Nyla is teary-eyed and seems to still be struggling.

Miles tries to capture the raccoon but somehow gets locked in the cop car. Celina shows up and easily gets the raccoon to go inside the crate. Bradford celebrates that, and they leave Miles in the car for a “teachable moment.”

Nolan gives Bailey the perfect present, and she loves it. As she walks away, Zuzu texts Nolan and asks him if Bailey likes the gift.

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