The first season of Star Wars: Ahsoka set up an interesting storyline, one specifically tied to the villainous character Baylan Skoll.
In the last shotof the series we see of Baylan (Ray Stevenson) standing with a trio of giant statues deep within Peridea. Those statues were of The Ones or the Mortis gods.
This is a family of powerful Force users known as The Father, The Son, and The Daughter, and they influenced the Force from the mystical realm within the Force, which is called Mortis.
These characters were introduced in The Clone Wars, and The Daughter is a representation of the Light Side of the Force, while The Son is a representation of the Dark Side. The Father is the balance between.
The siblings started to fight each other, while the Father tried to keep the peace between them. It’s said that the origins of the Force and its users started with Mortis and The Ones.
They aren’t the only ones in this world, though. A young woman also found her way into their world. She was initially a servant catering to the needs for the Ones’ needs.
Over time she became the Mother, who was fond of the Father, and she succeeded in fixing the relationship between the Daughter and Son.
Inside scooper Daniel Richtman recently reported that The Mother will be introduced in season 2. If this is true, and The Mother debuts along with the Mortis Gods, this could have major implications for Ahsoka, and the overall Star Wars story going forward.
In the backstory, The Mother was very persuasive, but because she was mortal, she grew old and as she aged, the ageless siblings started to fight again and neither the Mother nor the Father were able to prevent it from happening.
One day, while The Father, The Daughter, and The Son were fighting, The Mother snuck away and drank from the Font of Power as the Son did, and also bathed in the Pool of knowledge like the Daughter, which she was forbidden to do. When The Father realized this, he pulled her out with the Force, but she had already changed.
She was no longer The Mother, she was transformed into the twisted, immortal entity Abeloth, the Bringer of Chaos. Abeloth attacked both the Son and Daughter, forcing them to bow down to her.
“The Father then stepped in to save his children, and ended up leaving, while leaving and stranding Abeloth behind.
The Daughter and Son later imprisoned Abeloth in The Maw, which they created. It was after that that The Father moved his family to Mortis so as to control the siblings and keep the Force in balance.
According to the story, “when the Current of the Force was altered and the flow of time changed (the Current forced “where it could not be taken”), Abeloth was able to escape.
“She would stir up conflict and destruction each time, sending the galaxy into chaos and disorder, thriving on fear, death, and havoc.”
The Son and The Daughter would then return to imprison her. “This cycle would repeat itself periodically for hundreds of thousands of years.”
It would make sense for Baylan to once again unleash Ableoth into the universe. I have no idea if this is what is being planned for the character, but as I previously said, this would make such a great Star Wars story!
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