The iconic Mobile Suit Gundam is getting a fresh new animated series from Netflix titled Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance, and the first teaser trailer has been released for it! Directed by Erasmus Brosdau and written by Gavin Hignight, it promises fans an enticing blend of an exciting storyline and cutting-edge animation.
The collaboration between Netflix Anime and SAFEHOUSE, Inc. breathes new life into the Gundam universe, presenting fans with a vibrant revival of this iconic mecha anime franchise. With over 50 anime series, movies, OVAs, manga, and light novels under its belt, Gundam has played a pivotal role in shaping the mecha anime genre. The Netflix partnership revisits Gundam’s origins, weaving a compelling narrative set during the One Year War—a crucial period in the franchise’s timeline.
Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance unfolds during the tail end of the One Year War, a period characterized by technological advancements and intensified combat. The series promises a captivating storyline, offering a fresh perspective on the lore and traditions that have defined the Gundam universe.
Set against the backdrop of November 0079, Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance revisits the old realms of the Gundam franchise, focusing on the concluding months of the One Year War. This pivotal era witnessed heightened tension and technological escalation.
The One Year War serves as a secure entry point for audiences familiar with the Gundam universe, while also hinting at potential future collaborations between Netflix and Gundam if the series is a hit with fans.
Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think!
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