Little People: Ancient Race That Pre-Dates Native Americans, Celts, And Other Settlers Worldwide

A. Sutherland – – “On the Isle of Man, the prevailing belief was that the fairies represented the souls of those who died long ago, possibly before the Biblical flood, or were perhaps amongst the angels banished from heaven…” 1
As ghosts or spirits of the dead, these little people were sometimes called ‘Middle World Men,’ who weren’t good enough for heaven or bad enough for hell but lived in a world of their own… People say that there is a fascinating spot near Cronk ny Irree Laa, a hill in the southwest of the Isle of Man, on Dalby Mountain. There, ‘where you can place your ear on the ground and hear ‘the sounds of infinity’ (sheean ny feaynid). It is said that these are the sounds of the invisible beings who fill space – trapped, as it were, between the earth and heaven…’
On the Isle of Man, these creatures are described as ‘evil spirits, immortal and insubstantial – “like shadows on the wall.’ 1
Indeed, just like on the Isle of Man, these creatures have been known for a long time, and faery lore about them is full-packed and has a worldwide reach. However, Native American lore with great ancient traditions is particular about the existence of this race.
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See also:
Strange Ancient And Medieval Encounters With Unusual Beings Reported And Documented
Mysterious And Unexplained Encounter With Unusual Tiny Beings In Italy – Part 1 – 2