THE ACOLYTE Actor Talks About Being Killed Off

The fifth episode of Star Wars: The Acolyte, which is titled “Night,” was a wild ride for fans of the show as it saw the mysterious Sith Master go on a rampage and kill off several Jedi characters.

Obviously, this article is going to contain spoilers so proceed with caution.

There was a massive Lightsaber fight in the episode which ended up being a Jedi bloodbath, including some main characters meeting their demise.

During a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, showrunner Leslye Headland talked about killing off these characters, saying: “I just figured someone would stop me and nobody did. I figured someone would say, ‘This is too far!’ But they didn’t.”

Two of the main characters that were slaughtered include Dafne Keen‘s Jecki and Charlie Barnett’s Yord Fandar, who are two of the main characters. Keen praised Headland for the decision to kill off her character.

Keen said: “There are so many directors in blockbuster sagas that are so scared to kill off their characters, and are so comfortable with bringing characters back to life, and all of these little writer tricks that I think are quite cheeky.”

She continued: “I really like that she was actually killing people. Because if you’re not making it dangerous, then why are we even here? Why are we concerned by the story? Why do we care?

“Leslye has such a backbone as a writer, to make you fall in love with these characters and then slaughter them all like pigs and be like, ‘Yeah, this is our villain.

“We’re not just saying he’s so big and scary, we’re actually showing you how big and scary he is.'”

This is true for fans of the series, but for me, the writing and story are so weak that I was not emotionally invested in these characters. So, when these died I didn’t really care.

It’s interesting, I have a group of friends that like the show and a group of fans who don’t, so the conversations I’ve been having between the two have been fun!

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