Some seemingly incidental figures have also been included in the picture, such as the Beatles’ manager Brian Epstein. He “just happens to be Jewish”, says the 37-year-old artist, but he gave the Beatles their first suits, which defined who they became. “And why did he give them those suits and that image? Because he was inspired by Mod fashion, which was a very Jewish phenomenon because, as the story goes, it was the children of Jewish tailors wearing their parents’ creations.”
“London has a diverse Jewish community, with history and stories to match. Leon has captured the depth and breadth of Jewish London in a beautiful artwork that we hope will create countless conversations about multicultural London,” said William Galinsky, JW3’s director of programming.
By Alex Galbinski
Photos by Blake Ezra
The JW3 mural by Leon Fenster will be on display until the autumn. To discover what each part of the mural means, visit leonfenster.com/jewishlondon.
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