How I Make $1,500 Monthly With My Print-On-Demand Business

Do you want to learn how to start a print-on-demand business? Print-on-demand businesses allow you to create and sell custom products like t-shirts, mugs, and phone cases without needing to store any inventory. Today, I have a great interview to share with you all about this business idea. It’s with Jessica Roop, who has had…

Do you want to learn how to start a print-on-demand business?

Print-on-demand businesses allow you to create and sell custom products like t-shirts, mugs, and phone cases without needing to store any inventory.

Today, I have a great interview to share with you all about this business idea.

It’s with Jessica Roop, who has had a print-on-demand side hustle for a couple of years. She’s been designing and selling her own products, and she recently launched a course on the subject I Love Print on Demand.

She profits around $500 and $1,500 per month with her print-on-demand side hustle. She has made over 6,000 print-on-demand product sales too!

In this interview, I ask Jessica questions about how to start a print-on-demand business from home.

So, if you are interested in starting a flexible and in-demand side hustle, I ask her questions you may be wondering about, like:

  • What is print-on-demand? How does print-on-demand work?
  • What are print-on-demand items a person can sell?
  • How much can a new person make selling print-on-demand?
  • How much does it cost to start and run a print-on-demand business?
  • Can someone with no tech skills start a print-on-demand business?

Today’s interview will help you get started on your path to becoming a successful print-on-demand entrepreneur.

I recommend signing up for the freebie 17 Hot-Selling Print-on-Demand Products That Can Pay for Your Next Vacation and More! to learn more.

Print-On-Demand Free Guide


This freebie will teach you about print-on-demand as well as give you a list of 17 hot-selling products you can sell via print on demand.

How To Start a Print-On-Demand Business

Below is the interview all about how to start a print-on-demand business.

1. Please give us a little background on yourself and how you got started with a print-on-demand business. How much do you earn monthly from print-on-demand?

Hi! I’m Jessica. I’ve worked full-time online since 2017, doing everything from food blogging to offering virtual assistant services. 

In 2020, like many of us, I found myself with some extra time on my hands because of COVID. In my free time, I became a little obsessed with how well e-commerce was doing, so I decided it would be a good side hustle to pursue. In 2021, I started planning my e-commerce business with an early 2022 launch. I was so excited!

I wish I could say that this was the beginning of my print-on-demand journey, but unfortunately, I dove into e-commerce the hard way: I started an online gift company that carried physical inventory.

Seeing as I live in a 692-square-foot apartment, this did not turn out to be a great idea. Plus, I completely underestimated how long it would take to pull products, package them, print shipping labels, and take boxes to the post office. It was exhausting, and my fun little e-commerce “side hustle” became a nightmare.

One day, print-on-demand randomly popped into my head, probably out of complete desperation!

A few years prior, I had created a few print-on-demand products after hearing about the idea somewhere. I never took selling the products I designed seriously, but the idea suddenly sounded intriguing. It would solve all of my problems because I wouldn’t have to carry any inventory and wouldn’t have to pack, package, or ship anything.

I launched my first print-on-demand product on Etsy in May 2022 and quickly had a best-selling product on my hands. I was hooked and haven’t looked back since!

My profit averages between $500 and $1,500 per month. I’m pretty busy with my “day job” income streams, so print-on-demand has always been a side hustle for me. It’s a super fun creative outlet and a great way to generate extra cash every month. 

2. What is print-on-demand? How does print-on-demand work?

At its core, print-on-demand means that products are produced “on demand,” meaning they aren’t produced until an order comes through. For example, a design isn’t printed on a blank mug until a customer orders it.

Print-on-demand has evolved into a term for a business model where regular people can team up with a print-on-demand production partner and sell a wide variety of products without ever holding physical inventory or doing any of the fulfillment.

Let’s say you sell on Etsy like I do. Here’s how the process would look for you:

  • You create a digital design file (much easier than it sounds; some of my best sellers are text-only designs!) and upload it to your production partner’s site; in this example, let’s say you’ve designed a t-shirt
  • You list your t-shirt for sale on Etsy
  • A buyer finds your t-shirt, loves it, and purchases it
  • The order is sent to your production partner, and you click a button to confirm the order
  • Your production partner prints your digital design file on a t-shirt in the customer’s preferred size, packages it, prints a shipping label, and sends it off to your customer
  • Your production partner uploads the tracking information to Etsy and marks the order as complete

That’s it! Etsy pays you (minus transaction fees), and you pay your production partner. You pocket the difference, typically about 30% of the price you listed it for on Etsy. Your customer pays 100% of the shipping costs.

As you can see, at no point during this process do you hold a physical item in your hands. Your production partner takes care of all of it for you.

print of demand business ideaprint of demand business idea
Here’s a print-on-demand product example.

3. What are print-on-demand items a person can sell?

Pretty much anything! Although I don’t have any exact figures, I’d say there are thousands of different products available for print-on-demand.

Every production partner offers something different, and the vast majority of production partners are adding new products all the time. And within each product category, there are often many different variations. For example, there isn’t just one type of mug out there – there are different sizes, different shapes, different colors, different materials.

Here are just a few of the products available for print-on-demand:

  • Mugs
  • Tumblers
  • T-shirts
  • Sweatshirts
  • Tote bags
  • Makeup bags
  • Wall art
  • Blankets
  • Desk mats
  • Cell phone cases
  • Ornaments
  • Bumper stickers
  • Jigsaw puzzles
  • Pet bowls
  • Can coolers

If you can dream it, it’s probably available!

4. How much can a new person make selling print-on-demand?

As long as you dedicate yourself to the process, making ~$500/month in profit on Etsy within the first 3-6 months is possible. 

I started making that amount only about a month in, but I was lucky to have a best-selling product very quickly. That wasn’t my intention (I was just excited to get a single sale!), but I just happened to release a product that really spoke to people.

After that initial start-up period, for a part-time effort on Etsy, $500 to $1,500 a month in profit is totally doable. For a full-time effort on Etsy, $40,000 to $70,000 a year in profit is achievable. 

You probably noticed that I’m saying on Etsy. If you create your own store (Shopify is a popular platform for self-hosting) and start doing a lot of paid ads and/or social media, you can scale a lot higher. There are people making multi-six figures a year in profit!

5. How much does it cost to start and run a print-on-demand business?

If you’re starting your shop on Etsy like I did, here is a general overview of costs:

  • Etsy (sales platform): $0.20 per new item listing, plus transaction fees of 6.5% after you make a sale
  • Adobe Illustrator (design software)*: $22.99/month
  • Creative Fabrica (to source fonts and images to use on designs): $3.99/month
  • Printify (production partner): No subscription fee, although they do offer a Premium plan for $24.99/month that allows you to purchase the products cheaper (highly recommended if you start making more than ten sales a month)

*Some people use Canva, but I’ve found that Adobe Illustrator makes it easier to produce quality designs. That said, Canva is making improvements all the time, so switching over will hopefully be possible eventually!

6. What do you like about print-on-demand? Is it worth it?

I like to joke that I’m a mix of highly motivated and highly lazy, and I’ve found that print-on-demand, especially on Etsy, is perfect for someone like me!

I love that I can publish as many product designs as I want with minimal effort and minimal risk. If something doesn’t work out, it’s no big deal… I can just move on to the next product. After seeing the other side of things with an inventory-based business, print-on-demand is so easy and super low-stress.

I’ve also come to really love the creative process of designing new products. I’ve spent my whole life feeling like I’m not creative, but print-on-demand has ignited a creative flame in me that I didn’t know existed. My designs are pretty basic, but sometimes I’ll spend hours designing products without even realizing time is passing.

It’s 110% worth it. It’s such a fun hobby – one that makes me money! Print-on-demand is a great way to fund vacations, home improvements, “me time” things (like time at the spa), and to pay off bills. Plus, if taking it full-time is your goal, that’s doable as well.

7. How does a person get customers for print-on-demand?

I highly recommend starting with Etsy because they have a built-in customer base. Etsy has about 92 million active buyers globally, so the potential is enormous! People don’t go to Etsy for any other reason than to purchase something, so you can be laser-focused on acquiring customers.

Like many online platforms, Etsy heavily relies on SEO for listings, so as long as you optimize your listings for their search engine, they can be found by potential buyers.

Etsy is the “easy button” for print-on-demand customers, but there are other ways to get customers, namely organic social media and paid social media (ads). For these methods, instead of hosting your products on Etsy, you would likely have your own online store through platforms like Shopify, Wix, Woocommerce, etc.

TikTok Shops are also becoming popular ways for print-on-demand sellers to reach customers. With a TikTok Shop, you sell directly on the app, and customers can purchase directly on the app, so you don’t need to have a separate store somewhere.

TikTok has strict rules for selling through its shops, including the maximum number of days that can pass before the product is shipped to the customer. This used to be a barrier to entry for print-on-demand since some products can take a little while to be fulfilled (because they need to be printed before they’re shipped), but now more production partners are making sure their products are shipped within TikTok’s timelines.

8. Can someone with no tech skills do this?

Yes! You don’t have to be super tech-savvy to start; you just have to be open to learning new skills. People of all tech levels can be successful with print-on-demand.

Even when it comes to graphic design, you don’t have to be skilled. As I mentioned before, some of my best-selling designs are text-only! Plus, with an inexpensive subscription to a place like Creative Fabrica, you can source millions of images and fonts to use in your designs.

9. Which is the best print-on-demand platform?

I use Printify and love it.

The two biggest players in print-on-demand are Printify and Printful, and I decided to go with Printify because I preferred their pricing structure and product selection. They have been fantastic and I have zero regrets!

10. Can you list the steps needed to get started selling print-on-demand?

If you choose to go the Etsy route, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Set up a Printify account
  2. Sign up for Creative Fabrica or a similar site to source fonts and images
  3. Choose a product or two to start with on Printify (mugs are always a good choice) and download the design templates
  4. Download Adobe Illustrator, open the design templates, and start designing
  5. Upload your designs to Printify
  6. Open an Etsy account and connect Printify to Etsy
  7. Upload your products to Etsy
  8. Start selling!

This is just a general overview, of course. There are other important pieces of the puzzle like researching niches, choosing from different design styles, and crafting your Etsy listings in the right way so they show up in Etsy results.

11. Can you tell me more about the course you have?

I Love Print on Demand is the course I wish I had when I started my print-on-demand journey.

With it, you will set up your print-on-demand business for success from day one so you can skip the stress and start making money faster!

I honestly had no clue what I was doing when I started, and it’s a total miracle I figured out the eight steps listed above, let alone any of the other moving pieces and parts. It was a slow learning process for me, and I made a lot of mistakes at the beginning, which was a pretty stressful experience.

When I created my course, I thought about all of the questions I had and all of the things that slowed me down and then created a course that addressed all of those aspects.

I also made sure to keep it simple by narrowing the focus to the top three products that sell best for me. Print-on-demand can be a little like the Cheesecake Factory menu—there are so many product options, and you can easily get overwhelmed! It’s okay to branch out to other products later, but I keep you laser-focused so you focus on what works right from the beginning.

If you’re interested, you can check out my I Love Print on Demand course here.

You can also sign up for my free ebook, 17 Hot-Selling Print-on-Demand Products That Can Pay for Your Next Vacation and More!, here.

Do you want to learn how to start a print-on-demand business? What would you sell?

Note from Making Sense of Cents: I hope you enjoyed this helpful article on how to start your own POD business. There are many marketplace and ecommerce platforms (your supplier who does your order fulfillment) that you can get started with, as you learned above. And, there are many unique designs that you can sell to stand apart from the crowd. I have bought many items (a wide range of products such as apparel, accessories, and home decor) from POD businesses over the years, and I expect this to continue for myself and many others for the future. There are many ways to grow a print-on-demand business too (such as Facebook, Instagram, and even YouTube), so that can help you to make more money and maybe even increase your profit margins. I hope you see lots of success!

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