Ari Aster, the director behind the jacked-up horror film Hereditary and Midsommar, is producing a stop-motion animated adaptation of the dark classic tale of Hansel & Gretel.
Aster will produce alongside Lars Knudsen and the film will be directed by Chilean filmmakers Cristóbal León and Joaquín Cociña (The Hyperboreans). The filmmakers previously worked with Aster on the film Beau Is Afraid.
While we all know the story of Hansel & Gretel this new version of the story is “expected to twist the fairy tale into inimitable shapes.” So, that will be interesting.
When talking about the film, León said: “It’s our very personal adaptation of the classic fairy tale, with the main difference that Hansel and Gretel are both boys in this version, at least at the beginning of the story. The story itself gets lost.”
Aster said: “Cociña and León are among the true originals working in animation right now. You can trace their sensibility back to several artists of the uncanny, but there is no real analogue for the effect that their work produces in the viewer.”
It’ll be interesting to see what this new twisted version of Hansel & Gretel will end up being. I hope it’s nightmare fuel.
Source: Variety
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