THE ACOLYTE Showrunner Addresses The Origin of Mae and Osha and Where That’s Headed — GeekTyrant

The third episode of Star Wars: The Acolyte takes viewers 16 years into their past to the planet Brendok and it’s here we learn the origin of the twins Osha and Mae and where they came from
Obviously, if you haven’t watched the episode left, Spoilers ahead!
The twins were conceived by magical Force powers by Mother Aniseya and raised among a coven of force-wielding witches.
The origin was a surprise for a lot of fans and while some fans are going with the flow of the show, others don’t care for the direction that the story is going.
Showrunner Leslye Headland recently addressed the origin of these twins and despite what it looks like, Headland explains there “isn’t one answer to it.”
In the episode, there’s a scene where we see Mother Koril and Mother Aniseya having an argument about the best path for Osha and Mae.
During this exchange, Koril says that she carried the girls, but Mother Aniseya snaps back that she is the one who created them as the girls have no father.
This is something a lot of fans have connected to Anakin Skywalker as he was also conceived without a father. It was revealed that Anakin was “created” through midi-chlorians.
You’d think there is some kind of connection here, but Headland wouldn’t confirm anything about what is going on. She addressed the origin in an interview with Entertainment Weekly.
She said: “If you keep watching the show, we do talk about that and explore that. I would say there isn’t one answer to it. Some characters believe certain things, and other characters believe other things in terms of what she means by that. So, you’re going to have to watch and decide which side of that argument you are on.”
So, the answers regarding this will apparently come as people continue to watch the series.
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