TRANSFORMERS/G.I. JOE Crossover Movie Will Be Written By JURASSIC WORLD’s Derek Connolly — GeekTyrant

Derek Connolly, the writer of the Jurassic World movies and Detective Pikachu has been hired by Paramount Pictures and Hasbro to write the upcoming Transformers/G.I. Joe crossover movie.

The film will bring together two of Hasbro’s most popular toy lines, and with the way the studio has handled G.I. Joe and Transformers in the past, I’m not expecting this movie to be good.

According to the report, the movie will “pit the good guys — the robots in disguise Autobots and heroic Joes — against their archenemies, the dastardly Decepticons and conniving terrorist organization Cobra.”

As a huge fan of these properties, I would love nothing more than for this movie to be great! But, the studio continues to handle them all wrong and I doubt that they will change how they do things.

Chris Hemsworth (Thor, Furiosa) is in talks to star in the film, and I assume it will be for one of the main Joe characters.

Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura has already admitted that they don’t really have any kind of plan in place for the film, so it looks like Connelly will be the one to come up with a story to tell.

Good luck to him, but the way the studio set this movie up with the ending of Transformers: Rise of the Beast was bullshit.

Source: THR

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