Jeremy Renner made a great addition to the Mission: Impossible franchise when he was introduced as William Brandt in Ghost Protocol and came back one more time for Rogue Nation.
Renner was supposed to stick around and be a main character in the franchise, but he ultimately ended up exiting the franchise, and the reason why he walked away from it is a noble one.
While talking to Collider about Mayor of Kingstown season 3, Renner explained that he departed the franchise so he could be closer to his daughter.
Renner said: “Yeah. I had to leave that. I was supposed to do more with them. I love those guys. I love Tom [Cruise] so much. We had so much fun, and I love that character a lot. It requires a lot of time away. It’s all in London. I had to go be a dad. It just wasn’t gonna work out then.”
While the actor has been away from the franchise for some time, he is open to returning now that his daughter is older.
When asked if he would return, Renner said: “Maybe now that my daughter is older that could happen. I’d always jump into a Mission: Impossible anytime and back into Brandt. It’s great.”
Brandt was initially assigned by the IMF to protect Ethan Hunt and his wife Julia in Croatia. After his team failed to do this and Julia was allegedly killed, Brandt asked to be removed from field duty, due to not wanting to go through a life-or-death situation again.
Brandt then became Chief Analyst to the Secretary of the IMF. He became a field agent again after a new mission with Ethan Hunt and his team.
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