A new trailer has been released for the animated sequel series, Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, which welcomes back the characters and cast from Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous. Paul-Mikel Williams and Sean Giambrone are officially reprising their Camp Cretaceous roles of Darius and Ben for Chaos Theory.
Set six years after the events of that first series and shortly before the 2022 film Jurassic World Dominion, the kids — dubbed “the Nublar Six” by the media — are entering adulthood and struggling to find their footing on the mainland, which is now teaming with dinosaurs as a result of what went down in 2018’s Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.
The trailer opens with Williams’ Darius, who Kreamer confirms is now 18 and still dedicated to protecting dinosaurs. “Darius is on his own and has withdrawn. That was for a very specific reason and I’m looking forward to people getting into that,” he explains. “He hasn’t been around people for a while there. He’s dealing with something. Ben is the one who says, ‘Yeah, we can’t stay here. We gotta go.'”
Giambrone’s Ben surprises Darius at a remote cabin. “Try not to freak out. Someone is hunting us,” Ben reveals as a computer screen with a “Dark Jurassic” webpage pops up. Kreamer confirms this is one of many websites from the dark web dedicated to conspiracy theories.
Ben then declares they need to warn the others. When asked if any of the other Camp Cretaceous stars, like Jenna Ortega (Brooklynn), Ryan Potter (Kenji), Kausar Mohammed (Yasmina), and Raini Rodriguez (Sammy), will also return for Chaos Theory, showrunner Scott Kreamer plays coy: “I cannot confirm nor deny that.”
As for who’s hunting the Nublar Six, the showrunner says, “This is a conspiracy thriller. The kids are unraveling this mystery, and just when they think they’ve got it figured out, maybe there’s a bigger story to be told. These two guys have to figure out what the heck’s going on before it’s too late.”
The idea for Chaos Theory came about when Kreamer was in postproduction on the fifth and final season of Camp Cretaceous. There was enough interest in a continuation from the powers that be at Netflix and DreamWorks Animation, but he wasn’t necessarily eager to jump back in. “Look, Camp Cretaceous was an amazing experience, but it’s a lot,” he says. “My initial response was, ‘Go with God. Good luck.'” At the very least, they asked if we would help come up with ideas. It was on a Zoom call with representatives from Universal Pictures, who gave him an early rundown of Jurassic World Dominion, when an idea struck.
“I would want to tell a more sophisticated story with the older kids, tonally closer to the end of the Harry Potter movies than the beginning of the Harry Potter movies,” Kreamer says. “It kept going from there, and people luckily got on board.”
Since we’re now on the mainland, might we see more familiar faces from the larger Jurassic World franchise pop on over for Chaos Theory? “Owen Grady’s not going to drive up and meet them at the Taco Bell,” Kreamer responds, referring to Chris Pratt’s character from the latest trilogy of films. But, he adds, the world is opening up significantly for these characters “to tell the more personal story of, what is life amongst the dinosaurs in Western America?”
Netflix will premiere the 10 episode first season of Jurassic World: Chaos Theory on Netflix on May 24th. Check out the trailer below, and let us know what you think:
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