NATIONAL TREASURE 3 Is Still in Development and Nicholas Cage Is Waiting for the Script — GeekTyrant

It’s been nearly two decades since National Treasure: Book of Secrets was released in theaters, and there have been multiple attempts to get a third film made in that time. There was also a TV series that was developed and then canceled after one season.
I’ve wondered if there would be another attempt to get a new film off the ground, and it turns out, there is! Franchise producer Jerry Bruckheimer revealed that they’ve been working on a new sequel for a while and the script is currently being written. Nicholas Cage is waiting for that script to come before he decides if he wants to make the movie or not.
Bruckheimer told MovieWeb: “Well, we hope there’s a National Treasure 3. We’ve been working on it for quite a while. We have a brilliant writer working on it right now, so hopefully, if we get a script in a timely fashion, we’ll send it to Nic and, if he likes it, we’ll make another one. We certainly would like to.”
As for what Cage thinks about the possibility of National Treasure 3, during an interview with Screen Rant a few weeks ago, the actor said: “See, you’re the one that brings these things up and they go out and they eclipse everything else. No, there is no National Treasure 3. If you want to find treasure, don’t look at Disney, okay? It’s not there.”
So, Cage has a completely different take on what’s going on with the project! Bruckheimer obviously has more insight on the project. Cage also previously shared that he didn’t understand why a new film hasn’t been made.
Cage said: “Well, they’re a lot of fun. I mean, I enjoy them too, and I think Jon Turteltaub made a couple of classic films for the whole family. I’m still kind of amazed that Disney hasn’t wanted to make a third one. I thought the movies brought a lot of joy to the public, and it’s certainly interesting about history, and I think all of that is worthwhile filmmaking. You can dig deep and go into the more abstract stuff, like Bringing out the Dead, or Pig or even Dream Scenario, or you can open it up and make a movie that pleases a lot of people and hopefully gives families a chance to escape a little bit from whatever may be going on at home or in the office. I think they’re all valid.”
I’ve enjoyed the National Treasure movies, and if they end up making a third one, I’ll show up to watch it!
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