Matthew Vaughn Says His KICK-ASS Reboot Is Very Similar to What DEADPOOL 3 Is Doing — GeekTyrant

Kick-Ass director Matthew Vaughn recently offered some interesting details on his upcoming reboot that fans will find interesting. The director has shared that his Kick-Ass reboot is similar to Deadpool 3, and it’s something that he initially had some fear over. During an interview with The Playlist, he said:
“I know a little bit about [Deadpool 3] but I’m not allowed to talk about it, but I can just tell you what I know about it. It got me so excited that I will be buying a ticket to its opening weekend because I was laughing and laughing. And I had a little bit of fear at the time because I was like, ‘Oh my god, this sounds like maybe what we’re doing with ‘Kick-Ass,’ they’re doing. But I think we can both survive.”
So, while he was initially worried about it, he thinks that what they are doing is going to be just fine. So, the question is, how will this Kick-Ass movie be like Deadpool 3?
The filmmaker went on to share more insights into what fans can expect from the next Kick-Ass, saying:
“The most important line in’ Kick-Ass’ was…two lines [were]… ‘why does everyone want to be Paris Hilton, no one wants to be Spider-Man’ – which I think is fascinating because remember that was a new thing…the whole reality star thing, that was a big thing, and ‘With no power comes no responsibility,’ so those were the two hooks.
“So we’ve taken those two ideas, and we [now] have to reflect. ‘Kick-Ass,’ the reboot is a reflection of the world we now live in and what’s happened to superhero films and comics and where we are now.. It’s not what anyone expects, but there will be enough in it for people to go, ‘OK, that’s different, but it’s pretty damn cool.'”
The director recently explained that his new Kick-Ass movie will actually be the third film in a new trilogy of movies, which is an interesting approach for a reboot. The trilogy starts with an action movie titled School Fight which will be produced by Vaughn and directed by stunt coordinator-turned-director Damien Walters. Vaughn talked about the movie:
“The trilogy will be School Fight, this movie, let’s call it Vram for the time being, and then Kick-Ass, and they’re all connected.”
School Fight has already been shot and is completed, and the second film, Vram, is currently in production. As for Kingsman 3, we don’t really have any details on what the story will entail, but it’s a fun action franchise that is sure to deliver some crazy entertainment like the first few films in the franchise.
Maybe these three films combined will play with some kind of multiverse thing? Whatever it is, these movies and the stories they tell will obviously all be connected.
It seems like Kick-Ass is going to be a super interesting movie! I’m really curious to see how this next movie turns out!
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