Channing Tatum Will Play a Serial McDonald’s Robber in True Crime Thriller ROOFMAN — GeekTyrant

Channing Tatum has signed on to star in a new true crime film titled Roofman, and it tells the story of a robber who sets his sites on the fast food chain McDonald’s.
The film is described as telling the “remarkable story of Jeffrey Manchester, an eccentric and charming serial robber who broke into more than 60 McDonald’s overnight via their roofs, then emptied the cash register in the morning after herding staff into freezers. The former U.S. Army Reserve officer became known as the ‘Rooftop Robber’ or ‘Roofman’ and was known for his gentle demeanor and for rarely resorting to violence.”
Manchester was convicted and imprisoned in 2000, and then he “escaped jail and then evaded capture by holing up for months in a Toys ‘r Us and Circuit City store in North Carolina. He lived off baby food and would ride bicycles for exercise in the toy store. After reportedly leaving his fingerprints on a Catch Me If You Can DVD in the electronics store, he was recaptured and sent back to jail. The movie will focus on Manchester’s months-long odyssey on the lam.”
This seems like one of those stranger-than-fiction kinds of stories and it’s sure to make a great movie. It’s definitely going to be a great role for Tatum to take on.
The movie will be developed by Derek Cianfrance (Blue Valentine) for FilmNation. Cianfrance is also known as the creator of the HBO series I Know This Much Is True, and he was nominated for a Best Original Screenplay Oscar for Sound of Metal.
Source: Deadline
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