Here’s the trailer for a psychological indie horror thriller titled Stranger in the Woods. The film follows a group of friends to take a weekend trip in a cabin in the woods, but when the dog of one of the friends goes missing, the trip turns into a complete nightmare.
In the film, “A woman named Olivia (Holly Kenney) who goes on a weekend getaway trip to the woods with her friends in hopes to recover from a traumatic event. But when her dog vanishes, their sanity unravels, leading to a chilling fight for survival.” It doesn’t help that the host of the cabin comes off as being a crazed lunatic.
The movie comes from filmmaker Adam Newacheck and it stars Holly Kenney, Brendin Brown, T.A. Spencer, Devon Stewart, Paris Nicole, and Radek Antczak. The movie looks pretty generic, but someone out there might be interested in its story.
Red Hound debuts Stranger in the Woods direct-to-VOD starting on February 14th, 2024.
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