PICARD Movie is Currently in Development — GeekTyrant

Patrick Stewart has been talking about wanting to make a new Star Trek: Picard movie ever since the series came to an end on Paramount+. He’s explained that he’s been pushing for a final movie that will bring the crew back together for another adventure.

Stewart shared a few months ago: “I think we could do a movie, a Picard-based movie. Now not necessarily at all about Picard but about all of us. And to take many of those wonderful elements, particularly from Season 3 of Picard, and take out of that what I think could be an extraordinary movie. I keep telling people and mentioning it, and so far there’s been no eager response, but it might well happen. And that would be I think a very appropriate way to say, ‘And goodbye folks.'”

It looks like Stewart is going to get what he wants! He recently confirmed that a new Star Trek movie with Picard is currently in development! While a guest on the Happy Sad Confused podcast, he said:

“I heard only last night about a [movie] script that is being written, but written specifically with the actor, Patrick [Stewart], to play in it. And I’ve been told to expect to receive it within a week or so. I’m so excited because it sounds like the kind of project where the experimentation that I want to do will be essential for this kind of material. It’s good at 83…”

This interview took place back in November 2023, so if what Stewart is saying has moved forward, then he currently has the script for the film. Stewart was previously asked about the Star Trek movie and he explained what he hoped to achieve with Jean-Luc Picard in one more final film. He said:

“Well, it would be: Let’s explore further the inside of this man’s head. His fears, his anger, his frustration, his questioning all of those things. There is a moment, I’m not quite sure where it comes in the series … Well, there are two moments. One is when Picard doesn’t know what to do. He’s stumped. And we never saw that in The Next Generation. There is also a moment when he is truly fearful. And those two pointers alone, I think, make him an interesting study for one more movie.”

We don’t have any other information or details on what the story entails, but this is the first time that Stewart has explicitly said a Star Trek film project is in the works, which is pretty exciting! It’ll be cool to see how this Star Trek movie will move the story of Picard forward, and I hope to see him reunite with his Next Generation family.

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