Betsy Frank is UHC para-rabbinic fellow and president.
Are you ready for the High Holy Days?
I don’t mean, are you cleaning the house and cooking for friends and family. I mean, are you doing the work of accounting of the soul in chesbon hanefesh?
Accounting of the soul is hard work but allows us to reflect on actions during the past year.

One way to reflect on the past year is to explicate our Jewish values. Shai Albrecht says in Jewels of Elul that by stating our Jewish values, we are stating our intentions to pass these values on to our children, grandchildren and others with whom we interact.
One value, according to Albrecht, is to seek a greater understanding of our world by questioning what we see and hear.
One value, according to Albrecht, is to seek a greater understanding of our world by questioning what we see and hear.
By doing so, we can gain a greater appreciation of God’s universe.
Judaism encourages self-examination
What values do you hold? Do you question what you see and hear?
A recent convert and UHC member wrote that he was attracted to Judaism because of the freedom to question in order to understand God’s role in our lives.
He even admitted that sometimes he wasn’t sure God existed.
This is Judaism. We believe it is correct to question and by finding answers, thereby deepen our faith.
This is Judaism. We believe it is correct to question and by finding answers, thereby deepen our faith.
A group of Chabad rabbis who recently visited Terre Haute described the month of Elul this way: During Elul, we draw upon the energy of God, and we meet God wherever we are. By doing so, we prepare ourselves for the High Holy Days.
May you and your family experience a holy and sweet New Year.
L’Shana Tova,
Betsy Frank