Awesome Trailer for Queen IMAX Concert Event QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL

I have the coolest news for all you music fans out there, IMAX has partnered up with Mercury Studios and Queen Films to bring us a new IMAX version of the classic 1983 concert film, We Will Rock You. The remaster of the original concert film is now titled Queen Rock Montreal, and it is being brought to 450 Imax Theatres around the world this January for one special weekend for fans to enjoy.

Queen Rock Montreal was originally directed by concert filmmaker Saul Swimmer, who passed away in 2007. He also directed the music films The Concert for Bangladesh in 1972 as well as Live Aid.

The concert film’s synopsis reads:

Queen Rock Montreal (aka “We Will Rock You: Queen Live in Concert”) captures a pivotal moment in the band’s history. When Queen returned for the 4th time to Montreal’s 18,000-seat Forum in November 1981, where this concert was recorded, it was after a 15-month absence during which they became the biggest band in the world. Fueled by the release of The Game album, their smash single “Under Pressure,” and extensive touring, Queen now dominated the charts in every major territory across the globe. The two shows that took place in Montreal – November 24 & 25, 1981 – were arranged specifically to set Queen up for another first: shooting a full-length concert film to properly document their live show, highlighting the state-of-the art sound. Having spent nearly 2 years on the road, the group was ready for such a challenge and hit Montreal in top form for what would end up becoming two consecutive sold out, legendary nights.

Queen guitarist Brian May said of the concert:

“I don’t think we quite realized it at the time, but this film has preserved one of the highest peaks in Queen’s touring life, on stage in the old glory days. The director was very much focused on Freddie, and this now stands as probably the most precious intimate capture ever of Mr. Mercury at his full awesome power.”

This is so awesome! Most of the Queen fans around the world never got the chance to see the band perform before Freddie Mercury passed away, so this is a really special treat. I can’t wait to see it! Queen Rock Montreal will be playing in IMAX theaters from January 18th through the 21st. For more info, visit the official website, and check out the trailer below:

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